Avtor: Sebastjan Dimnik
Objava na mojpes.netu: 22.08.2005
Pogosto pravijo, da je Bull terier "posebna pasma, za posebne
ljudi". Kljub značaju, ki ga odlikuje energičnost, zanimivost,
igrivost in pogosto norčavost, pasma ni primerna za vsakogar, saj
njihova vzgoja zahteva veliko potrpežljivosti, odločnosti, potrpežljivosti,
jeklenih živcev, pa še na potrpežljivost ne smemo pozabiti.
Foto: Marta Kapas
Foto: Biby
Bull terier je bil prvic predstavljen na Birminghamski pasji
razstavi leta 1862. Razstavljal ga je James Hinks, prodajalec
psov, ki ga stroka smatra za prvega vzreditelja bull terierjev.
Hinks je pri "ustvarjanju" bull terierja križal mnoge
pasme in tipe psov, najbolj verjetno pa je da so glavne poteze
prispevali bulldog, (že izumrli) angleški beli terier in dalmatinec.
Foto: Sebastjan Dimnik
Foto: Sebastjan Dimnik
Šolanje bull terierja ni majhen zalogaj, v večini primerov lahko
trdimo prav nasprotno. Velikokrat se obnašajo kot nagajivi otroci
in izgleda, kot da bi zanalašč jezili svoje lastnike, ki pa jim
njihovo obnasanje večinoma takoj oprostimo. Njihovo opravičilo
v obliki oproščujočega, sramežljivega nasmeha ima neverjetno blagodejen
učinek na dvignjen krvni pritisk.
Foto: Sebastjan Dimnik
Bull terierji so družinski psi in so nesrečni, če niso v stiku
z družino. Če ne načrtujete, da bo pes dejansko živel z vami, potem
Bull terier ni najboljša izbira pasme za vas.
Foto: Stephen Wild
Zaposlene družine, kjer so ljudje večino dneva od doma, niso najprimernejše
okolje za mladega bulčka, saj ta potrebuje nego, hranjene in ogromno
pozornosti in crkljanja. Mladiček, ki ga pustite samega, bo žvečil
- zdolgočaseni odraščajoči bulčki to pogosto počnejo. Ploščice,
zidovi, vrata, pohištvo, nič ni varno pred zobki zdolgočasenega
malega bulčka. Poleg materialne škode in zdravstvenih nevarnosti
lahko samota povzroči veliko škodo tudi na mladičkovem temperamentu.
Odrasel pes se pogosto brez težav prilagodi urniku zaposlene
družine in svoje spalne navade prilagodi odsotnosti lastnikov.
Foto: Debbie Wiles
Bull terier se izredno naveže na svojo družino in na splošno
zelo uživa v družbi ljudi. Znajo biti čudoviti z otroki, kadar
se z njimi dela pravilno, tako s strani otrok kot odraslih. So
neutrudljivi prijatelji v igri, tekli bodo za žogami, hodili za
otroci ter ure in ure opazovali njihovo igro.
Foto: Polona Vovk
Bull terier mora biti šolan in celo najbolj leni lastniki ga
bodo morali naučiti vsaj osnovne poslušnosti. Učenje hišne čistoče
mora biti prva stvar v mladičkovem učnem načrtu in se mora začeti
čimprej (po možnosti že pri vzreditelju). Pomemben del šolanja
pri tej pasmi predstavlja tudi vodljivost na vrvici, saj je sprehajanje
kateregakoli psa, ki se ne "razume" z vrvico, lahko pravo
garanje, pri bullterierju pa poleg garanja tvegate še potencialno
podaljšanje rok.
Foto: Wendy Smith
Potrebe po gibanju so različne od psa do psa. Nekateri uživajo
v neskončnih sprehodih, medtem ko bodo drugi zadovoljni že z divjanjem
po hiši. Nepisano pravilo pravi, da sta dva 30 minutna sprehoda
dnevno dovolj za večino bullterierjev, se bodo pa z veseljem prilagodili
navadam lastnikov, saj je navsezadnje človešla družba tisto, kar
si res želijo.
Foto: Debbie Wiles
Nekateri bulčki govorijo! Radi brundajo, mrmrajo in spučajo različne
zvoke in s tem zabavajo sebe in vas. To "pogovorno"
vokaliziranje NI RENČANJE in ga za takega tudi ne smemo smatrati.
Bullterier mora biti prijazne narave, ljubeč do vseh ljudi. V
odnosu do ostalih (predvsem majhnih) živali, mu nikoli ne moremo
povsem zaupati, čeprav so ponavadi do njih povsem ravnodušni.
Foto: Debbie Wiles
Še nekaj modrosti o bulčkih, sestavljenih
iz prispevkov lastnikov bulčkov na eni večjih spletnih Bullterier
Skupnosti. Iz spodaj napisanega boste ugotovili, da trditev o
posebni pasmi in posebnih ljudeh prekleto drzi.
Za tiste, ki se boste med branjem spraševali, kaj zaboga je hucklebutt,
je to TULE
super razloženo.
You know you have a bullie when: .....
Your blue carpet begins to change colour (no matter how many times
you vacuum).
When that "alien" looking pink and white face looks
up at you eating some toast for breakfast and implores: "hey
Dad, I know you can't eat all of that toast yourself".
All your guest handbags get searched for who knows what, maybe
Your guest wants to know how his wet ,slobbery tennis ball got
in her handbag (maybe he is not searching but planting tennis
balls, or both ......)
He drops his tennis ball in your lap after he dipped it in his
water bowl
You get waken up in the morning with a cold wet nose nudging your
The bullies have their own tree and xmas ornaments in "their
You build your bullies a room of their own complete with tiled
floor for muddy feet, fridge, counters, special gates, access
to the yard.
You follow your bullies in all kinds of weather at all odd hours
in hot pink rainboots, pj's, a flashlight and a pooper scooper
to prevent them from snacking.
You own 8 crates...but have 4 bullies!
There are only two kinds of dog toys in the entire house - Kongs
and Nylabones!
Your kids know how to block, tuck and hug walls automatically
when the bullies are hucklebutting in the house.
Your kids don't even flinch in the face of other breeds at a dog
show. People apologize for their dogs gently sniffing your kids
face and you just reply - that's ok... he lives with Bull Terriers.
Your two year old can get bowled over by a bull terrier in the
yard at top speed and get right back up like nothing happened!
Also - the gifts under the tree FROM the bullies to the family
members are a dead give away as to what they destroyed that year.
For instance, this year Benjamin is giving Chris and I a new set
of sheets and pillow cases. He is giving MariaLena and Christopher
socks and panties. Meadow is giving my kids new stuffed toy bullies.
Sequel is giving my son a couple of new wooden trains and replacing
some wooden tracks.
This year Bella is not buying presents. She feels at the ripe
old age of 12 1/2 having survived my singlehood, marraige, pregnancies,
moves, 2 kids, 3 additional bullies and a slew of rescues. Being
graced with her presence is quite enough.
The dog you have thinks that all the gifts under the tree are
You see a dog carrying the plastic container that should contain
the xmas tree
Everything plastic or leather you own has teeth marks in it
Guest are looking for their shoes after taking their boots off
Friends with purses have articles missing in them
You have to stand still in the house while observing a wild dog
running around the fireplace through the corridor and back and
making 360's along the way
You have an egg shape face in your neck licking your ears or cuddling
You have Elf Bowling on your computer because they LOVE the sound
those obnoxious little elves make during the game!
You start worrying that you might be fired because you keep going
out to the bull-terrier yahoo group at work because you're afraid
you might miss out on the antics of another member's bull terrer....
When you have no space in your bed and
When you try to make space you hear sounds like a old man that
is being killed and
The Jack Russell Terrier is regulary used as "Kong"...
When other dog owners are more interested in your bully then their
own dog.
When mom calls me just to see how the dog is and can I put him
on the phone so she can talk to him
When your dog gets soooo excited about a teeny tiny liver snap
that he will do just about anything, stupid dog trick and all,
just for this morsel of food
The one time you leave him uncrated, alone, for five minutes to
run to the neighbors and you come home and there is a hole bigger
then the dog in the kitchen. (literally five minutes! it was like
he had it in for the kitchen wall since I brought him home)
Your friends give you strange looks when you explain why you have
to hide tennis balls in the fridge ;-)
You get up in the morning--clogged with a vicious cold, aware
that you are into old age,choking and blowing into a Kleenex,and---your
bully does something utterly delightful, and you laugh in spite
of your suffering, and feel much better.
You have his photo on your cell phone as wallpaper
You buy a bully cover for your cell phone on ebay.
Your bathroom doorframe is tiled because one day Remy gnawed the
wood from the floor up as high as he could reach.
You invest in sturdy, quilted bedspreads to use as washable sofa
Any cone flowers in your yard now grow outside His Royal Enclosure.
Bullies love cone flowers (echinacia).
Carpets have holes in strange places
Wooden chairs have "sculptured" legs and even a couple
of arms after a certain bully learned how to get up in chairs
on rollers
Any furniture with enough room to get a tennis ball underneath
is surrounded by boards and barricades
The house is littered with supposedly indestructible doggie toys
You never go around in bare or stocking feet any more due to the
presence of said toys, crumbs, misc. tree and bush parts and other
unidentifiable items on the floor
The doctor is ready to turn your husband in for spousal abuse
due to your assortment of black and blue spots from being used
as a bully bowling pin
There's mud on the ceiling in the workshop from bully runs through
the doggy door on a rainy day
All the windows in the car are covered with gummy nose prints
All the wastebaskets in the house either have lids or are hidden
in a cupboard
You never can open a cupboard/fridge door without them pushing
you aside so that they also can see what is inside.
You never can work in the kitchen without them laying on your
You never can sit typing at the computer without them getting
themselves entangled with the computer wires.
You have his photo on your cell phone as wallpaper
You are packing for holiday and he jumps on the bed and leave
paw marks al over you clothes
your dog lets one rip and your guests suddenly claim they have
urgent business to attend to at home.
everything on your tables and benches is pushed right to the back
cause you know it'll get stolen.
you have no blanket at night cause your dog decided to pull off
a hucklebutt on your bed at 3am.
your in-laws politely ask (while cringing) if the dog will be
attending the Christmas do.
you walk out of the shower to find toilet paper strewn around
the house and your dog has that "it wasn't me" look
on its face despite the half eaten toilet roll in its mouth.
your dog insists on sneaking up behind you and doing the "roo-roo"
bark just for a laugh.
you find you cannot leave for work cause you have a dog latched
onto the tongue of your shoe.
you are awakened in the morning from the tailed banging against
your head then you bash your head against the wall trying to get
away cause you just realised you've been hugging your dogs butt
all night. (you know they do that out of plain old sarcastic spite!)
You get a call about a "Bully Collectible Alert" and
you have to run out immediately before they are all gone!
Your Christmas cards "have" to have a bully theme! As
well as your wrapping paper!
You have crates in every room, just in case ;-)
You have "special" dog toys, bully proof!
You are glued to the tv when a Target commercial is aired.
You watch dog shows even though you know your favorite breed won't
You have bruised shins from hucklebutting accidents.
You know what the word hucklebutt means....
Silence in the house is a bad thing! What can he be up to?!
Your dog picked your boyfriend. He didn't like the last one (who
then had to be immediately dismissed)
You've called in to work for an emergency, explaining that the
dog fell off the bed, you're at the emergency vet and you will
have to tend to him after you get home (at work, these emergency
days are usually reserved for deaths, births and other major unexpected
You won't risk having a Christmas tree...period
Your friends always ask "how's the dog". Not sure if
they're expecting a behavior report, or if they just want to know
if he's still living here.
The house needs to be cleaned, dishes need to be done, trash needs
to be taken out and you spend the day snoozing on the couch with
your bullie just cuz he looks like he needs a snuggle.
When you put a santa hat on top of your bully's head for the first
time and she starts the most amazing hucklebutt that you aren't
sure if it is in fact a hucklebutt or panic, but you can't get
the hat off of her to find out because you can't catch her and
therefore the hucklebutt won't stop - then you dive for her when
she comes by you the 6th time and somehow snatch the hat off of
her head after which she twirls in mid-air and grabs the hat in
her mouth, surprising you so you let go, and she tears all through
the house with the hat in her mouth, then stops exhausted and
laughing her head off....
When you just don't even bother putting up a tree at all!
You give up having clean furniture, clean or at least dry floors
(why can't they just "drink" water instead of attacking
Everyone thinks you're crazy, yet you wouldn't have it any other
Your carpet shows obvious signs of regular "hucklebutting"
You have an economy sized (6 lbs) of peanut butter for kong-stuffing.
You are so obsessed with your dogs behavior, your family, friends
and co-workers start to think you have gone off the edge because
of your inability to talk about anything other than your furbaby.
All your Christmas ornaments are on the TOP half of the Christmas
tree- above nose level!
Zbral Sebastjan Dimnik