Iz dveh popolnoma različnih koncev sveta, namenoma. Čisto vsi, ki resno delajo z živalmi in so "vredni občudovanja", imajo režim obiskov in sprehajanj organiziran tako, kot je spodaj opisano. Dajte si prebrat natančno, kaj piše, Tia je sploh zelo nazorna in brez dlake na jeziku.
Razumem, da so ljudje dostikrat užaljeni, če se počutijo tako ali drugače zavrnjene. Takrat je sploh težko razumeti, da ne gre za njih, pač pa za živali in da je pri tolikšnem številu (še posebej, če niso uspavani po 30-ih dneh in imajo daljši staž bivanja v zavetišču) nujno potrebna rutina, pa še ta se izvaja z ljudmi, ki obvladajo svoje delo.
Uradne ure so zapisane; uradne ure pomenijo prav to, kar pomenijo za vsako drugo ustanovo, organizacijo, knjižnico, trgovino... in nič drugega.
http://www.mpb.cz/en/activities-of-the-shelter/Tours in the centre
Tours in the animal shelter is not allowed in order to keep the animals in good psychical and physical condition. Animals (dogs mainly) are sensible to presence of strangers and are strongly influcenced by it and suffer from health disorders (digestion etc.)
For public who is interesting in visiting the shelter, the „Open door days“ are organized in convenient dates in summertime. The information about the date is published in ”Up-to-date information“ on our webpages and in media.
http://www.vrcpitbull.com/home.htmVISITS ARE BY APPOINTMENT ONLY!
Due to the increasing number or people showing up un-announced that think we are a public zoo or a 7-11, we have no choice but to set some rules and scheduled hours of operation. First and foremost the dogs are here for sanctuary and privacy, some due to neglect and abuse. To allow the public to come at all hours and walk throughout the facility as they please, only upsets the dogs. We allow visitations for adoptions, training, volunteering or school projects. Anyone requesting a "tour", must be approved by the the Founder/Director, Tia Torres herself and we usually request a donation as we have to pull someone away from their work to conduct this "tour". Hours of operation are: Mon - Sat: 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. (by appt. only for deliveries/dropping off donated items) Weds, Fri & Sat: 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. for volunteering (please don't show up at 2 and expect to volunteer. Gates close at 2:00 p.m. sharp) Sundays: CLOSED
For those of you, who think you're "special" and are planning on just "dropping by", we have a surprise waiting for you at the front gate.....