Otvaram jutros email i docekala me sjajna vijest......
izgleda da je identificirana mutacija koja uzrokuje PLL (Primary Lens Luxation) kod tibetskih terijera!!!!!!!!!!
DNK test jos nije na raspolaganju, ali ce biti uskoro!!!!!!!!! Navodno krajem 10/2009!!!!!!
Ova vijest me jutros jako razveselila - jos kada bi nasli nesto vezano uz CCL........no, dobro i ovo je super.
....prilazem dio teksta koji govori o tome
Geneticists identify a mutation for Primary Lens Luxation (PLL) in several breeds.
(September 2009)
Primary Lens Luxation (PLL) is a well-recognised, painful and blinding inherited eye condition that affects many breeds of dog. In affected dogs the zonular fibres that support the lens breakdown or disintegrate, causing the lens to fall into the wrong position within the eye. If the lens falls into the anterior chamber of the eye glaucoma and loss of vision can quickly result.
The team of scientists have identified a mutation that is responsible for the development of PLL in several breeds, including the Miniature Bull Terrier, the Lancashire Heeler,
Tibetan Terrier, the Jack Russell Terrier, the Parson Russell Terrier, the Patterdale Terrier, the Sealyham Terrier and the Chinese Crested dog.
A DNA test soon to be made available at the Animal Health Trust can be used to determine a dog’s genotype with respect to this mutation. Dogs will be identified as CLEAR (has two normal copies of the gene), CARRIER (has one normal copy and one mutated copy) and AFFECTED (has two copies of the mutation). Breeders will be given an estimate of each dog’s risk of developing PLL depending on their genotype and will be able to make sensible breeding decisions that minimise the risk of producing dogs that will become affected by this serious and debilitating condition.