o prireditvah => svet razstav => Sporočilo, začeto od: Jana , sobota, 10.08.2013 : 10:37:11

Naslov: Svetovna razstavna scena
Poslano od: Jana , sobota, 10.08.2013 : 10:37:11
Recimo, da lahko s spodnjim začnemo tole temo.

Stališče AKC glede ruskega anti-gay zakona in organizacije WDS 2016 (

July 26, 2013
Mr. Rafael de Santiago
President F.C.I.

Dear Rafael,
One of the most compelling aspects of the human-canine bond – cherished internationally more than ever before – is the fact that our dogs love us unconditionally. Dogs do not discriminate. Gender, race, sexual orientation and other status do not enter the equation of responsible pet ownership. That is why the American Kennel Club and our constituency are puzzled and disappointed by the decision to allow Russia to host the 2016 World Dog Show. The proliferation of anti-gay and lesbian laws in Russia today is both disturbing and shocking to our community. The choice of this country as a venue for such a prestigious dog show flies in the face of the ideals of the human-canine bond.
On behalf of the American Kennel Club, our member clubs, and the American purebred dog fancy, we urge you to move the 2016 World Dog Show from Russia to a nation that respects and upholds human rights for all its citizens. The international dog community deserves to enjoy the World Dog Show in a place that stands for freedom and equal rights for all. AKC cannot and will not support participation in the 2016 World Dog Show if it is held in Russia.
As exhibitors, breeders, handlers and trainers, we teach our dogs many things. But there is no denying, they teach us too. Our bond with dogs is not defined by the type of person who holds the leash. We cannot support competition in an environment where tolerance does not exist.
Yours respectfully,
Alan T. Kalter
Chairman of the Board
Dennis B. Sprung
President and CEO

Naslov: Re: Svetovna razstavna scena
Poslano od: Nanook , sobota, 10.08.2013 : 10:44:49
Tapravi se oglasajo, ja...  ::)  :e

Naslov: Re: Svetovna razstavna scena
Poslano od: Drejči , sobota, 10.08.2013 : 17:30:18
kaj cmo, jenkiji so pac svetovni policaji, mediatorji, sodniki itd.  ::) Bi bilo pa izredno fino, ce bi zaceli najprej pometati pred svojim pragom. Svet bi bil malce lepsi in mirnejsi. Ne vem cemu se zgrazajo, zakon prepoveduje homoseksualno propagando med mladoletniki. Torej? Kaj je tu spornega? Mulci imajo solo za naredit pa starse ubogat, ne pa razmisljat o seksu, ker seks pride itak sele po poroki.  ;)

Sicer pa razumem zakaj so se pritozili... ko prides na razstavi v ring sodnik ponavadi vprasa ali si homo ali hetero  >:D

Naslov: Re: Svetovna razstavna scena
Poslano od: Jana , sobota, 10.08.2013 : 18:23:26
Men je bolj interesantno opazovat politični point tegale pisma - a bodo na FCI trzali in če bodo, koliko bodo trzali :P ;D
Da vidmo, a bodo kej mišic pokazal :P :D

Naslov: Re: Svetovna razstavna scena
Poslano od: Nanook , sobota, 10.08.2013 : 18:42:52
Dvomim, glede na to, da je evropska v Svici in nikomenista.

Naslov: Re: Svetovna razstavna scena
Poslano od: Drejči , sobota, 10.08.2013 : 19:19:19
Ameriski olimpijski komite je te dni Rusiji poslal obvestilo, da bodo bojkotirali zimske olimpijske igre, ki bodo cez pol leta v Sochiju, zaradi spornega zakona. Moje mnenje je, da je pismo AKC povezano s prej omenjeno groznjo OK.
Proti drugace usmerjenim nimam nic, pravzaprav pa se mi smilijo, ker so samo orodje za doseganje nekih drugih ciljev.

Ce povzamem dejstvo, da so v Rusiji homoseksualnost se ob koncu '90-ih obravnavali kot mentalno bolezen, potem so vendarle sli korak naprej.
Cetudi bi Rusi sprejeli zakon, da se homoseksualci lahko porocijo in imajo svoje gay parade vsak dan na Rdecem trgu, pa se cez noc ne bi dalo sprementi miselnosti naroda, ki tega ocitno ne sprejema in je homofobnost globoko zakoreninjena v narodu in njihovi kulturi.

Ce ze opletajo z diskriminacijo, zakaj AKC ni pisal takih pisem FCI, ko je bila WDS v Franciji, zaradi ubogih muslimanov, ker je Francija muslimankam prepovedala nosenje burk, rut oz. zakrivanje obraza?

Upam, da FCI le ne bo nasedal provokacijam. Me prav zanima kaj bi naredila AKC, ce bi jim FCI poslal kaksno taksno zahtevo.  :-\ Po moje bi jih jenkiji obsodili, da so najmanj Talibani, ki hocejo unicit amerisko demokracijo  ;D ;D

Naslov: Re: Svetovna razstavna scena
Poslano od: Nanook , sobota, 10.08.2013 : 22:19:20
Povsod je nekaj, mislim da je ni drzave, ki bi bila brezmadezna. Nekje so na udari eni, nekje drugi, pa tretji, cetrti,...

we urge you to move the 2016 World Dog Show from Russia to a nation that respects and upholds human rights for all its citizens. The international dog community deserves to enjoy the World Dog Show in a place that stands for freedom and equal rights for all. .

Fajn. Na Mars torej al kako.

Naslov: Re: Svetovna razstavna scena
Poslano od: Nanook , nedelja, 11.08.2013 : 17:55:03
Chris se je razpistolil.

"Open letters are a sure sign of slacktivism and attention whoring and you shouldn’t fall for the AKC’s attempt to garner good-will with this recent attempt. It’s all words and NO ACTIONS, thus no consequences and no real change. It’s advertising and branding instead of research and development of a better product. If you applaud the AKC for this letter you’re saying that they have enlightened views on this subject. Well how can they when their actions and treatment of dogs is so antithetical to their apparent beliefs about gays. The AKC’s thoughts about gays matter almost nothing whereas their thoughts and actions towards dogs matter a great deal." AKC: Big Fat Hippocrites (

Naslov: Re: Svetovna razstavna scena
Poslano od: Desobediencia , torek, 13.08.2013 : 18:07:36

As President of the FCI - Federation Cynologique Internationale I would like to take a few moments to ponder about recent issues in which our organization has been mentioned. This statement is my personal opinion, but I guarantee you that I will make sure that the FCI will stand strong and united against any type of discrimination or abuse against dogs, humans or any living creature.

Two years ago, during the FCI General Assembly in Paris, Moscow was voted (by majority of votes) to organize the 2016 World Dog Show. Nobody thought that two years later the Russian Government, taking a step back in the pursuit of equality, would approve anti-LGBT legislations.

Although I am personally against the mentioned Russian law, I have to make sure that the FCI follows our statutes and procedures as established. I guarantee you that our Executive and General Committees are working on resolving this disgraceful situation. We must guarantee our members countries rights, but as a global organization we must stand not only for dogs but for dog owners as well.

It is equally important to me to defend the rights of animals and specially dogs. Like the majority of you, the recent case of dog abuse in a Dog Show in Lithuania angered and disappointed me. It is our duty to protect dogs worldwide, and that is why I will make sure this, or any other case, does not go unpunished. I will urge our member countries to fulfill their complete authority and process any case of dog or animal abuse until the last consequences. Cases like this do not represent the true spirit of the sport of dogs and cannot and will not be tolerated.

 want you to know, that I personally cherish and share your concerns regarding these important issues and I am personally working with the FCI team to manage these situations according to our statutes.
If you would like to share your concerns, feel free to share them with me.

Best regards,

Rafael de Santiago
FCI President