aktualno => vroče teme => Sporočilo, začeto od: sirtaki , petek, 14.06.2002 : 13:07:32

Naslov: MEOE
Poslano od: sirtaki , petek, 14.06.2002 : 13:07:32

Torej danes sem po emailu prejela naslednji tekst. Ker mislim da je zadeva aktualna tudi za slovenske lastnike in ljubitelje psov, in ker avtorica zeli, da se razsiri, ga v celoti objavljam:

Small animal specialist
H-2030 ÉRD Bokor u. 28. Hungary
Tel./Fax : +36 23-372 293
Handy: +36 30 9736 531

My dear dog-friends!  

I have been a member of MEOE (Hungarian Kennel Club) for more than 20 years, an international FCI-show judge, president of the Golden Retriever Breeders organisation which is recognised by the Hungarian Agricultural Ministry, and finally, but above all a veterinarian with private practice.

On June 07, 2002, MEOE-(Hungarian Kennel Club) initiated disciplinary action against me, at the same time suspending my membership rights as well as my show judging

My participation in a meeting which took place on the 27th of October 2001, in the Hungarian Agricultural Ministry, and the statement of my opinion in that meeting stands as justification for this action against me.

The evidence presented against me by the MEOE is taken from the minutes of the above mentioned meeting. In the minutes from this meeting I was quoted to have said the following :

"…MEOE continuously misinforms the dog-community. MEOE is interested not in quality dog breeding but in mass production." (The rest of the text attributed to me relates to a different topic.)

I continue to maintain my opinion that MEOE misinforms both the Hungarian and the international dog-community and primarily the FCI about the kynologic situation in Hungary. MEOE is silent about its resistance to the new Hungarian regulations aimed at supporting quality dog breeding which is why MEOE lost its status as the top organisation of Hungarian kynology, and its right to maintain the administration of the national Hungarian Dog Pedigree Registry. Presently, MEOE has only the right to administrate its own private pedigrees which are not permitted to be distributed.
MEOE is not willing to abide by these Hungarian laws and make contracts with those organisations working according to the Hungarian laws, even though these organisations were founded by and strictly function by FCI rules. Instead MEOE labels them as "dissident organisations".

I continue to maintain my opinion that MEOE is interested in the mass breeding of dogs. For years, MEOE has registered the pedigrees of about 100 thousand new dogs per year and raises a giant income from this. The exact statistics are not published. MEOE has registered all these pedigrees on the basis of its 2 pages (!) of breeding regulations, which, to the present day, don’t address in any way the subject of using veterinary screening tests aimed at the hereditary diseases as a condition for breeding! (Typically, MEOE’s disciplinary rules are thoroughly worked out in 12 pages of text.)

This means that today, in the XXI. century, as Hungary is making an effort to get into the EU, there are tens of thousands of puppies being born in Hungary and receiving pedigrees stamped with the FCI stamp--puppies whose parents and ascendants have never been screened for HD/ED, PRA/PRD/HC/CEA or any of the other hereditary diseases. As a practising small animal specialist veterinarian, I continue to maintain my opinion that only healthy dogs should be bred, and that MEOE doesn't want to introduce these screening tests because then suddenly the number of breeding dogs, and with that the number of puppies to register in the pedigree, would considerably decrease in Hungary.  

Neither the breeding of dogs suffering with hereditary disease nor the mass breeding dogs is in agreement with the basic principles of the FCI. It is especially interesting and thought-provoking to consider why the FCI overlooks this behaviour.  

It is another fact, that MEOE today, in XXI. century Europe, allows itself to use legal means to revenge the statement of an opinion which occurred in a meeting.  

Tünde Pórfy

P.S.: I permit everybody to spread further this letter.

Naslov: Re: MEOE
Poslano od: Rottweiler_Ares , petek, 14.06.2002 : 14:21:50
Podobno kot je mneje gospoda iz Madžarske je moje glede Slovenske kinologije... saj se mi zdi da se vedno bolj stremi k denarju (zato tudi stalni prepiri v kinološki zvezi npr. lovci se stalno bunijo zaradi denarja) namesto k izboljšanju stanja v Sloveniji (glede mučenja in varstva živali npr.),  če se pa začne kdo bunit pa ga hitro utišajo.

LP,  Tomi

Naslov: Re: MEOE
Poslano od: Kapitan_Nemo , petek, 14.06.2002 : 19:39:25
Žal povsod zmaguje kapital - denar-ekonomija nad strokovnostjo , moralnostjo, etiko  >:(...pretirana liberalizacija in tržne zakonitosti na področju hišnih (in ostalih) živali ima več slabih posledic, kot dobrih (po mojem opažanju). Skrbniki - gojitelji naj bi se združevali v interesna društva ali organizacije zato, da bi nepravilnosti in zlorabe preprečili ; prevečkrat se ta ideja sprevrže v svoje nasprotje zaradi nekaj "preveč sposobnih" funkcionarjev, ki si preveč po svoje predstavljajo problematiko (v znanem stilu = "Vsi za enega - eden pa zase" - deja vu!) se lahko prepreči samo z večjo osveščenostjo in aktivnostjo velikega števila gojiteljev...morda z ustanovitvijo alternativnih organizacij, ki bodo bolj strokovno- etične in manj skorumpirane ? Dokler bo pa večina oportunistično naskrivaj stokala in ukrenila nič - ne bo drugače nič ! :( ??? :-X
S kvaliteto nad kvantiteto !

Naslov: Re: MEOE - nadaljevanje afere
Poslano od: sirtaki , četrtek, 24.10.2002 : 13:48:43

(Hungarian national coat of arms)
National Institute for Agricultural Quality Control ( en.html)
1024 Budapest, Keleti Károly u. 24.
Tel: 2123-127 Fax: 2125502  
Registry Number: III-1/7/20/40/179/2002
(Magyar Ebtenyészt*k Országos Egyesülete =MEOE) Hungarian Kennel Club

Tétényi ut 128/b-30.

We have been officially informed (see attached copies of pedigree certificates) that MEOE (the Hungarian Kennel Club) has been issuing pedigree certificates for individual dogs of dog breeds that only recognised breeding associations are authorised to issue according to the Agricultural Ministry decree Nr. 64/1997 (XII.31.) &.4. section 1.  

In addition, it has come to our attention that MEOE has also been issuing export pedigree certificates, which, according to the decree of the Agricultural Ministry Nr. 64/1997 (XII.31.)&3. section 2. can only be issued by recognised breeding associations with an authorised countersignature from the Magyar Ebtenyészt* Szervezetek Szövetsége (Hungarian Kennel Controll) designated by the Agricultural Minister.  

For these reasons we ask that MEOE would immediately cease these unlawful activities and that we would be officially informed of this in writing. In the event that we do not receive written notification of the cessation of these activities within 8 days of the receipt of this letter, we will file a criminal report of official document forgery on the basis of Act 1993.CXIV.&.section 14.  

Budapest, 07.October. 2002.  

Dr. Baltay Mihály
Director of Animal Breeding

Naslov: Re: MEOE
Poslano od: Jana , petek, 04.05.2012 : 13:01:29
Ker bo govora o isti organizaciji, kar tule nadaljujem. Na Madžarskem je spet vse narobe.
Tole šiba v teh dneh okrog:

Help! Hungarian government close the kennel Klub MEOE

We ask all members of the FCI to help save the MEOE - the Hungarian Kennel Club by this petition The MEOE has a long tradition, established in 1899, of Pedigreeregistration, FCI International Shows, Breedclubs and all kind of canine activities for the benifits of its members !....Let us stand together and show the Hungarian Government how many people that supports this club all over the world !! ......
The hungraian Government wants to control dogbreeding in Hungary. Only organizations approved by the Government are allowed to make pedigrees, arrange shows and judge. 
Everyone else not approved is NOT allowed and will be penalized with very high fines. The government does not want to approve the Meoe ! and FCI does not want to approve any other organization in Hungary than  the Meoe.
So if no solution before 15. May 2012 the Meoe is not able to run a club and FCI  will have no activities in Hungary any more !! ….
We are in chock that a government is able to do this and think it is has nothing to do with European democracy !! The Meoe have existed since 1899 so a very long tradition and history that we will not accept to loose in the FCI !!  …That is why we are asking all members of FCI – especially the European members to help in this fight and save the Meoe !
Who knows this could easily spread to other eastern European countries with the loss of many fine breeders, gene poles and shows !     

If possible it would be great if you could promote this petition and also write the a letter to the following :   




We must try to do our best to help the Meoe! 
Also contact your national kennel Club to ask what kind of actions they are taking.   

Thank you for signing the petition to help save the MEOE .
Imagine it was your kennel club this was happening to - imagine you could no longer have your dogs registred in FCI by your kennel club as it did no longer exsist !!......Imagine you could no longer attend a FCI show in you country !!....Imagine all you national judges could no longer judge !!....Imagine your native breeds could no longer get an FCI pedigree !!....Imagine you could no longer export the dogs you have breed to other FCI countries !!..... Please help sharing this petiton by sharing on Facebook, Twitter on your Kennel Club website or you local breed Club - we want as many as possible to be able to show their support - thank you so much !

Animals Petition: MEOE - Save the Hungarian Kennel Club: The Hungarian government must recognize MEOE ! | (

Izjava H.W. Müllerja, predsednika FCI
Considering the current situation that our member in Hungary, MEOE, is facing, the FCI members and the FCI General Committee wish to reiterate their full support to our very long-standing member that has been sharing our wonderful existence since 1933. Talks and negotiations will take place with the Hungarian political authorities to envisage the future but we want to insist to the world dog community that MEOE can count with our unconditioned support and friendship.
H.W. Müller
FCI President

Eva Balogh ( v svojem blogu:
The Orbán government and the Hungarian Kennel Club
As the Hungarian breeder who turned to a representative of AKC pointed out, "we are in a Catch 22 situation now. MEOE won't be able to issue pedigrees, determine and control breeding after May 15, while the ETSZ (recognized) organizations and their umbrella organization (MESZSZ) have no FCI recognition." The Hungarian breeders are worried about the future of Hungarian dog breeding. They don't know whether "there is any future for us at all." (

World Dog Show 2013 je predviden od 16. do 19. maja v Budimpešti - klik (

In kaj pravi KZS?

Naslov: Re: MEOE
Poslano od: natis , petek, 04.05.2012 : 13:20:36
meni se ob vsem tem poraja samo eno vprašanje in nikjer ne najdem odgovora nanj ...

ZAKAJ je ministrstvo prepovedalo izdajati rodovnike, organizirati razstave, ....

kar zato, zame ni odgovor ... kroži marsikaj ... mene pa zanima dejansko ZAKAJ? ponavadi taki drastični ukrepi niso sprejeti čez noč in kar za brez veze ... ali se motim???

Naslov: Re: MEOE
Poslano od: Lanabela , petek, 04.05.2012 : 20:04:16
Zakaj? Zato ker lahko. In ker prinaša dobiček.

Naslov: Re: MEOE
Poslano od: Jana , ponedeljek, 27.08.2012 : 17:27:28
Evo ;) 8)

The FCI and MEOE are very happy to inform all dog lovers worldwide that the Hungarian Parliament made its final decision about the conflict concerning the Hungarian Animal Breeding Law and the legal situation of the Hungarian Kennel Club's activity.

The Hungarian Parliament, as the Supreme Decision-Making Body, announced that no action will be taken against the FCI-related MEOE’s activity until June 1st, 2013.

It definitely means that the Hungarian Government is supporting the FCI World Dog Show 2013, that will be held on May 16-19, 2013 in Budapest, as well as all other huge canine competitions scheduled to take place in 2012 and 2013. The Government also wants to give to all the authorities involved the possibility to create a system which meets the Hungarian legislation and preferably keeps the FCI rights and membership as well.

A. Korosz
MEOE President
H. Müller
FCI President

vir (

Naslov: Re: MEOE
Poslano od: natis , ponedeljek, 27.08.2012 : 18:00:47
kako se že reče ... salomonska alkakšnaže odločitev

dejte vi še organizirat svetovno, pol bo pa spet vojna  >:(