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petek, 18.10.2024 : 20:03:14

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Spol: Ženska
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« Odgovor #60 : petek, 24.08.2018 : 17:55:35 »

Hvala za vse info in trud!
Jana Pahovnik
Spol: Ženska
Sporočil: 29.405

Sijejo zvezdice na nebu ...

« Odgovor #61 : torek, 28.08.2018 : 08:14:13 »

Ah, bejž no ..., v Sloveniji pa že ne, ali kako?

Razkrivamo: tihotapci psov v Sloveniji
S.R., 28.08.2018,

Društva, ki omogočajo posvojitve hišnih ljubljenčkov, predvsem psov, iz nekdanjih jugoslovanskih republik, bi se lahko znašla pod drobnogledom policije. Nekateri posvojitelji so namreč odkrili številne nepravilnosti.

Bralka nas je obvestila, da s podatki na potnem listu psa, ki ga je posvojila prek ene od aktivističnih skupin, verjetno nekaj ni v redu. Njen pes naj bi namreč večkrat prepotoval relacijo Niš–Sofija.

V bolgarski prestolnici sta bili, po zabeleženih podatkih sodeč, opravljeni dve cepljenji, čeprav ji tega v društvu niso omenili, saj naj bi bil pes testiran na kužne in vektorske bolezni ter cepljen po programu v Srbiji. Zadeva pa se je še bolj zapletla, ko je bralka ugotovila, da je potni list nosil njeno ime, kot ime lastnice psa torej, čeprav je bila ona ves čas v Ljubljani in je psa prvič videla ob prevzemu v Sloveniji.

Članek si lahko v celoti preberete v današnji izdaji časnika Novice Svet24.


Jana Pahovnik
Spol: Ženska
Sporočil: 29.405

Sijejo zvezdice na nebu ...

« Odgovor #62 : sreda, 29.08.2018 : 10:50:03 »

Zgornji članek je zdaj v celoti dostopen tudi na spletu:

Kazniva dejanja »pasjih aktivistov« burijo duhove
O.D., 29.08.2018,

»Nemogoča« pot kosmatincev in njihovih lastnikov
Bralka nas je obvestila, da s podatki na potnem listu psa, ki ga je posvojila prek ene od aktivističnih skupin, verjetno nekaj ni v redu. Njen pes naj bi namreč večkrat prepotoval relacijo Niš–Sofija. V bolgarski prestolnici sta bili, po zabeleženih podatkih sodeč, opravljeni dve cepljenji, čeprav ji tega v društvu niso omenili, saj naj bi bil pes testiran na kužne in vektorske bolezni ter cepljen po programu v Srbiji. Zadeva pa se je še bolj zapletla, ko je bralka ugotovila, da je potni list nosil njeno ime, kot ime lastnice psa torej, čeprav je bila ona ves čas v Ljubljani in je psa prvič videla ob prevzemu v Sloveniji. Po potnemu listu sodeč, je torej s psom preživljala čas v Nišu in dvakrat obiskala Bolgarijo.

Inšpekcija: Ni strahov za posvojitelje
Posvojitelji, ki imajo tovrstne izkušnje, so nam zaupali, da se bojijo obiska veterinarske inšpekcije in odvzema hišnega ljubljenčka. Vendar pa, tako je dejal Emeršič, posvojiteljem ni treba biti v strahu pred vpletanjem inšpekcije, saj omenjene nepravilnosti niso podlaga za odvzem živali. »Če bi takšne živali odvzeli, bi jih morali namestiti v zavetišča, kjer pa bi tako nastala še večja stiska in živalim nikakor ne bi moglo biti udobno. Poleg tega je namestitev v zavetišču strošek za državo, občino in ostale. Torej odvzemanje takšnih živali nima nobenega smisla. Za odvzem se odločamo samo takrat, kadar res ne gre drugače in ko je ogroženo življenje živali.« So pa lahko v skrbeh tihotapski aktivisti.

Celoten članek je na

Jana Pahovnik
Spol: Ženska
Sporočil: 29.405

Sijejo zvezdice na nebu ...

« Odgovor #63 : ponedeljek, 10.09.2018 : 17:05:22 »

Težko bi kdo bolje opisal realnost kot Macfarlanova, ki se je odločila za email kampanijo, s katero poziva odgovorne k ukrepanju.
Četudi ne boste pisma nikamor poslali, je prav, da ga preberete in se seznanite s tem, kaj v resnici 'reševanje' psov iz Bosne, Srbije in Makedonije je in kaj prinaša. Če pa se boste le odločili, da pismo nekomu odpošljete, je eden od naslovov, kamor bi tudi moralo romati in kjer bi ga morali prebrati, zagotovo Čeprav se osredotoča predvsem na razmere pri uvozu psov v UK, že v uvodu navaja, da so razmere v ostalih državah EU podobne.
Vir je Barnabys Law, uporabniki FB ga od tam lahko tudi delite.

Below is an open letter detailing several of the issues with international rescue. If you agree, please share this post and email a copy of the letter to those listed below. Please add your name to the bottom of the letter.
Ispod je otvoreno pismo koje sadrži nekoliko problema sa međunarodnim spašavanjem. Ako se slažete, molimo vas da podelite ovaj post i pošaljete kopiju pisma onima navedenim u nastavku. Molimo vas da dodate svoje ime na dno slova.
Ispod je otvoreno pismo s pojedinostima o međunarodnom spašavanju. Ako se slažete, podijelite ovaj post i pošaljite e-poštom kopiju pisma onima navedenim u nastavku. Dodajte svoje ime na dno slova.

An Open Letter to Michael Gove, DEFRA, APHA, Professor Lord Trees and other parties

Dear Sir/Madam,

I write in reference to the international animal rescue industry, with particular focus on imports to the UK from the Balkans and non EU countries. The situation is similar for imports to Germany, France and other EU countries.
My concerns cover three aspects of this industry; animal welfare, potential health risks to the UK and support of corruption and criminal activity.

Animal Welfare:
Rescue animals must enter the UK as commercial goods and therefore transported by a T2 type transporter. They cannot enter under the Pet Passport Scheme.

The illegal, non EU dogs are first transported to Hungary or Romania, many do not survive this journey as proven by the Bosnian 5 who died in July this year. The animals are then put on a transporter with up to 60 animals for 2-5 days during which time they are subjected to containment in a crate in which they must urinate and defecate. Many of these animal have recently been spayed or neutered and have open wounds. Animals have arrived with broken limbs, open sores, parvo, distemper and should not have been certified as fit and healthy to travel. Carrying injured or sick animals in these conditions is contrary to the animals welfare and yet the EU have delayed publishing specific transport welfare regulations for cats and dogs since 2016.

Many of these dogs are not assessed, they have never seen a vet and the people who “rescued” them are not qualified nor experienced in animal health and behaviour. As such, we have large numbers of dogs arriving here who “escape” on arrival or shortly after, many are subsequently killed on our roads and others are never found or end up in our pounds.

We have dogs arriving who have never lived as a domestic pet and bite their new owners, bite children, visitors or neighbours. The more fortunate of these dogs have rescue back up and are rehabilitated but a growing number do not and are passed from pillar to post or resigned to a life in kennels or put to sleep.

Dogs arrive with serious health issues which the new owners simply cannot afford and so this cost is either passed to the rescue or the dog is put to sleep. Treatment for the animal would have cost a fraction of the price in its country of origin but because it came illegally having never seen a vet, diagnosis is not made until arrival in the UK

To summarise, many sick and injured animals are illegally trafficked in a transit van with up to 60 animals, they spend 2-5 days in cramped conditions, stressed and having to toilet in their crate. On arrival, some will escape, others be passed from pillar to post and others will be killed on our roads or put to sleep. Is it animal welfare to only publicise the success stories?

Puppy farming. A growing trend is the import of “breed pups” from breeders/puppy farms. They are carried 4-6 to a crate at a cost of £50 meaning a puppy smuggler can have 10 breed pups transported for £500. The pups are delivered to the sellers door with minimum risk of conviction or seizure. Already, some ”rescues” are advertising rescue dogs at a “premium price” because they are breed pups. It’s anticipated this problem will be exasperated on implementation of the new animal welfare regulations.

Potential Health Risk to the UK:
As APHA figures show, 0 dogs have entered the UK on traces from Serbia in 2018, 17 from Bosnia and 0 from Macedonia. The reality is, hundreds of dogs from each of these countries and a lesser number from the Ukraine are entering every month. APHA have been provided with evidence of this and a quick search on Facebook or Goggle for “rescue dog Bosnia”, “rescue dog Serbia” etc. shows the extent of the problem. There are UK based charities, non-profits and individuals bringing in dogs from all of the aforementioned countries and as these are not recorded in the APHA figures, it proves they are non-compliant with UK regulations on entry. The majority are entering on Romanian traces with Romanian passports with some entering using the Pet Passport Scheme.

Non-compliance with EU and UK import regulations means the animals have not been in a registered facility before transport where they should be regularly health checked and their documents certified. Neither are they checked by the EU vet at the Border Inspection Point on entry to the EU. As they enter the UK under the guise of Romanian dogs, our border control, APHA inspectors and trading standards are unable to identify illegal dogs from legitimate ones.

Many of these dogs are entering with no rabies vaccination and last year there were numerous cases of dogs arriving with parvo virus and distemper. Further, some dogs are either not wormed or wormed outside the time frame required by the UK and enter from countries where echinococcus is endemic and it could be many years before outbreaks and human infection are recorded in the UK.

Granted Serbian, Bosnia and Macedonia pose minimal threat of rabies contamination however, the Ukraine is a high risk country and rescue dogs are being illegally imported from the Ukraine, Russia and further afield. It should not take a rabies outbreak before those trusted with ensuring the safety of domestic pets, humans and wildlife in the UK take action.

Norway is a prime example, it is a nation of animal lovers with some of the best animal welfare regulations in the world and yet they made the decision to ban the import of rescue animals and restricted movement using the pet passport to animals owned by and under the control of the owner for six months. This was based on an in depth study showing 45% of rescue dogs did not have sufficient rabies antibodies and a lack of cooperation from the countries involved to enforce the regulations. Despite this, organisations in Norway are still raising donations and sponsoring spay/neuter campaigns as well as improving conditions in shelters. International animal aid does NOT always have to result in the import of animals.

A recent raid on a UK rescue apparently resulted in 66% of the foreign rescue dogs failing a rabies titer test and a similar number testing positive for distemper. This was a serious outbreak of disease which should have resulted in action being taken to prevent the continuation of diseased and non-vaccinated dogs entering the UK. Would the same have occurred had it been cows or sheep or would the point of export have been traced and an immediate export ban implemented?

Eurotunnel disease risks: I am awaiting a reply from Eurotunnel to my request for details of their health and safety procedures that allow safe use of the pet play area as a staging point for TRACE dogs to rest and exercise whilst maintaining a safe environment for the public to use for their pets. Pet owners who enjoy the convenience of travel on Eurotunnel should be able to do so and use the facilities at Calais without fear that their pets could catch a disease from a contaminated area. Numerous complaints have been made online of 20-30 rescue dogs running about the play area and some having diarrhea. With the number of dogs entering the UK carrying parvo and distemper, how do Eurotunnel ensure unsuspecting pet owners do not put their animals at risk when allowing them into the pet play area?

APHA disassociate themselves from this issue by stating “If this is happening in a non-UK territory then it would be the responsibility of the competent authority of that country to deal with.” Will this opinion change if a UK pet contracts parvo or distemper at the play area and on return to the UK causes a disease outbreak?

Organised Crime and corruption:
It is widely accepted in the world of international rescue that many shelters and some transporters have links to local mafia, dogs are brought in for dog fighting and contraband is smuggled in with the animals.

Again, it is acknowledged and proven by those involved that the industry is reliant on corruption at many levels, from vets, border guards, trace license holders and DVS officials in Romania.

Shelter owners are paid by governments to catch, chip, vaccinate and spay/neuter dogs. The same dogs are then sold to “rescuers”, the “rescuers” then raise donations to spay/neuter, chip and send the dogs to the UK. This is one of many scenarios and one in which the shelter owner is paid twice for each dog. Many shelter owners also do their own traces and so profit further from each dog and of course profit is made from the selling of falsified passports and chips.

Finally, dogs imported as commercial imports from non EU countries are not being declared as such as thus the importers are avoiding import taxes.
This industry is estimated to be worth 300 million euro and it is clear that whilst people profit from the trade in rescue animals, the root problem will never be solved as in doing so you remove the commodity on which hundreds of people are profiting from.

So what is the solution?
Animal welfare advocates in Croatia, Serbia and Bosnia have, for many years, vocalised their need for support and financial assistance to help change conditions in their home countries and aid legal action against local authorities and shelters not complying with current regulations. Serbia has a no kill policy for abandoned animals but have enforcement issues, is the solution to pay the shelter to take 10 dogs that can then be posted on Facebook to raise 4,000 euro? Those 10 places are quickly filled again and so a cycle is created. Give the same 4,000 euro to those in a position to take legal action against the shelter owners/managers and you have a chance of breaking the cycle.

Dogs Trust currently have a project in Bosnia, spay/neuter and educate, many would welcome similar projects and focus should be on raising funds for such programs instead of supporting criminal activity. Would our government allow websites and Facebook pages to fund raise and arrange transport to traffic illegal immigrants, of course not and yet this is exactly what is happening with cats and dogs and as a nation of animal lovers, many deem it acceptable.

If international rescue is to continue and pose no health threat to the UK, animals entering as commercial goods should be tested on entry for all transmittable diseases and health checked. They should be kept in a reception/quarantine facility until their documentation is validated and results confirm they comply with UK entry requirements. Titer testing alone is not a solution as these can be manipulated and chips can be cloned providing numerous dogs with the health history of one properly prepared dog. The lack of border control at entry points to the EU and the willingness of vets and officials to provide falsified documentation means that we can no longer trust our EU counterparts to ensure animals entering the UK on traces are properly prepared. The onus is on our authorities and border control to ensure minimum risk to the health of those in the UK
Rescue animals should only be imported by rescues registered as international rehomers and regulations and checks for such rescues should be implemented.

Animal welfare advocates in the countries mentioned make a very good case, in the UK we are killing tens of thousands of dogs each year yet taking 4-5 times this amount from other countries, why is this? They do not understand how a supposed animal lover would not give a home to a dog in their own country who has 7 days before it would be killed but instead, send hundreds of pounds to support an illegal trade that has resulted in the death of so many dogs. They want help solve the issue of stray dogs in their countries but feel helpless as the donations flooding into their countries are given to illegal traffickers instead of spaying/neutering and supporting local rehoming.

People in the UK have to consider how they would react to a report of 5 dogs dying at Dover having been left in a car for hours in 40 degree heat during illegal export to Romania. Or regular reports of dogs dying on route from Scotland to Dover and their deaths covered up because the exports were illegal. People would be calling for legal action against all involved and petitioning for changes to stop illegal exports. This is how many animal welfare advocates in the Balkans feel!

As a greater woman than I has previously said, the current system is not fit for purpose and APHA are aware of the extent of the illegal trafficking, the animal welfare concerns and the potential risk of disease to the UK.

I ask that this issue is given the recognition it requires and solutions are found and enacted swiftly to ensure better welfare for all animals, support for welfare organisations in the aforementioned countries and protection against disease for the UK instead of waiting for the first case of rabies or human cystic hydatid to be recorded in the UK.

Yours Faithfully

Jana Pahovnik
Spol: Ženska
Sporočil: 29.405

Sijejo zvezdice na nebu ...

« Odgovor #64 : torek, 18.09.2018 : 14:33:24 »

UVHVVR o uvozu psov iz BIH in Srbije

Slovenski aktivisti, ki se ukvarjajo z 'reševanjem' psov z balkanskih ulic tako, da jih vozijo v posvojitve v Slovenijo, s svojimi podporniki venomer ponavljajo, da je njihovo početje legalno, ne povedo pa podrobnosti. Način, na katerega lahko nekdo iz tujine v državo pripelje psa, je predpisan, zato sem se obrnila na Upravo RS za varno hrano, veterinarstvo in varstvo rastlin (v nadaljevanju UVHVVR) s prošnjo, naj preprosto in razumljivo razložijo, kako legalno posvojiti uličnega psa iz Bosne in Hercegovine (v nadaljevanju tudi Bosna ali BIH). Objavljam moja vprašanja in njihove odgovore.

Celoten članek je tukaj ...

Jana Pahovnik
Spol: Ženska
Sporočil: 29.405

Sijejo zvezdice na nebu ...

« Odgovor #65 : sobota, 22.09.2018 : 15:11:22 »

vir Predstavništvo Fondacije Dogs Trust u Bosni i Hercegovini

Sem junija že objavila, pa bom po treh mesecih ponovila z ažurnimi podatki:

Med aktivisti, ki nam na vsakem 'net koraku' kažejo slike, pišejo zgodbe in ponujajo ulične pse ter nas prosijo za donacije in posvojitve, verjetno ne boste našli nikogar, ki bi kaj pozitivnega povedal o Dogs Trust BIH, pa čeprav so od leta 2012 naprej poleg ostalih aktivnosti sterilizirali/kastrirali 47.091 49.721 psov, od tega 13.043 13.719 lastniških in 34.048 36.002 uličnih (vir klik, 12. 6. 2018 22. 9. 2018). Aktivisti (tudi v slovenskih 'reševalskih' društvih) pravijo, da ni prav, ker organizacija sodeluje z bosanskimi oblastmi, da ni prav, ker ne podpira 'reševanja za vsako ceno' in da ni prav, ker za ulične pse izvaja TNR (Trap–neuter–return ali ujemi - steriliziraj - vrni). Seveda, Dogs Trust BIH počne vse tisto, kar v svetu že desetletja prinaša dolgoročne rešitve in zavrača vse tisto, s čimer aktivisti 'reševalci' zadnjih nekaj let probleme v BIH poglabljajo.

Predstavništvo Dogs Trust v BIH, skupaj s partnerskimi veterinarskimi organizacijami in s podporo lokalnih oblasti financira in koordinira Program množične sterilizacije uličnih psov in brezplačno sterilizacijo lastniških psov. Paket brezplačne sterilizacije vključuje tudi cepljenje proti steklini, odpravljanje parazitov in mikročipiranje, označitev psa ter vpis v register.

Brezplačne sterilizacije lastniških psov in množične sterilizacije zapuščenih psov so do 14. decembra 2018 v sledečih regijah: Kanton Sarajevo, Regija Banja Luka, Sarajevsko-zvornička regija, Kanton 10 in Tuzlanski kanton.
Na je seznam veterinarskih organizacij, ki opravljajo te storitve. Posredujte ga vsem, ki informacije potrebujejo.

Besplatna sterilizacija vlasničkih pasa
youtube video 1 - klik na sliko

Besplatna sterilizacija - Đuro i vi znate!
youtube video 2 - klik na sliko

Predstavništvo Dogs Trust v BIH, skupaj s partnerskimi veterinarskimi organizacijami in s podporo lokalnih oblasti financira in koordinira Program množične sterilizacije uličnih psov in brezplačno sterilizacijo lastniških psov. Paket brezplačne sterilizacije vključuje tudi cepljenje proti steklini, odpravljanje parazitov in mikročipiranje, označitev psa ter vpis v register.
Brezplačne sterilizacije lastniških psov in množične sterilizacije zapuščenih psov so od februarja 2018 v sledečih regijah: Kanton Sarajevo in Lukavica, Kanton 10 (Livanjski kanton), Tuzlanski kanton, Sarajevsko-zvornička regija.
Na je seznam veterinarskih organizacij, ki opravljajo te storitve. Posredujte ga vsem, ki informacije potrebujejo.

Gostovanje NTV Hayat, 27.5.2018.,
Program fostering udomljavanja

youtube video 3 - klik na sliko

Dogs Trust Fostering program:
Pravi pas za svakog od vas!

youtube video 4 - klik na sliko

V Dogs Trust BIH iščejo prostovoljce (v BIH), ki bi na svojih domovih začasno skrbeli za zapuščene pse, ki so v 'Dogs Trust Programu fostering'. Organizacija v celoti poskrbi za hrano za 'fostering psa', popolno veterinarsko oskrbo in zdravljenje, vso opremo (ovratnico, povodec, ležišče ...), podporo Fostering koordinatorja, podporo strokovnjaka iz Dogs Trust Šole za pse in posebno izobraževanje o vzgoji psa na podlagi pozitivne motivacije. Začasni skrbnik nima nobenih finančnih obveznosti, povezanih z oskrbo 'foster' psa, temveč dobi celo simbolično nagrado. Od začasnega skrbnika pričakujejo, da ima rad pse, da je polnoleten (če še živi pri starših, potrebuje njihovo strinjanje za udeležbo v Programu), da ni aktivist, ki sodeluje ali je sodeloval pri izvažanju psov iz BIH za neprijavljene donacije, da se zaveže enkrat tedensko voditi psa v Dogs Trust Šolo za pse in da se zaveže v urgentnih primerih kontaktirati dežurnega veterinarja in Fostering koordinatorja. Predstavništvo Dogs Trust še nima svojega posvojitvenega centra, zato je ta program odvisen od odziva prostovoljcev. Trenutno imajo enega Foster koordinatorja in eno lokacijo Šole za pse, oboje pa je nujno za tak način oskrbe zapuščenih psov.

Dogs Trust BiH spletna stran - klik
Dogs Trust BiH youtube kanal - klik

Res še ni pokrita cela BIH, so pa že to več kot odlični rezultati sterilizacij in začetek organizirane začasne oskrbe zapuščenih psov. Upam, da bodo vendarle našli dovolj prostovoljcev, ki so jim psi resnično mar. Tiste, ki so se ali se še finančno mastijo na račun zapuščenih psov in čustvenega izsiljevanja ljudi v BIH in po vsej Evropi, v celoti izključujejo. Že vedo, zakaj.

Torej, če imate v BIH znance, ki bi lahko sodelovali v tem projektu, posredujte jim te informacije.
Zavrnite aktiviste, ki od vas pričakujejo denar za namestitev psov v 'pansionih', za prevoze psov iz BIH v Slovenijo in za oskrbo bosanskih psov v Sloveniji. Edina trajna rešitev je lokalna. Za pse v BIH je rešitev v BIH, za pse v Sloveniji je rešitev v Sloveniji.

Jana Pahovnik
Spol: Ženska
Sporočil: 29.405

Sijejo zvezdice na nebu ...

« Odgovor #66 : sobota, 22.09.2018 : 16:51:16 »

Vprašanja za Komisijo EU:


Vprašanja za Svet EU:


Med trgovske premike spadajo tudi vse iz Srbije in Bosne v EU posvojene živali.
Če ne verjamete, berite še enkrat odgovore UVHVVR ...

Barnabys Law med drugim piše:
Confirmation from an MEP this week that they are aware of the connection between this trade and organised crime, also that those bringing in non-EU dogs are guilty of tax evasion and these issues have been put to the EU this week, question reference 000102/2018.

Those continuing their involvement in the illegal importing of non-EU cats and dogs should be aware that not only do they run the risk of being found guilty of trafficking, they are also evading at risk of being investigated by HMRC. This is now being considered as a viable way to interrupt the illegal activity and those receiving undeclared donations and importing non-EU dogs without declaring them correctly at the EU BIP, open themselves up to being investigated by HMRC.

vir klik

Pri denarju in nepobranih davkih tudi evropa zastriže z ušesi. HMRC = britanski davčni urad, od njega do drugih nacionalnih davkarij je le korak ... Od tam do reševanja zdravstvenih rizikov za ljudi in živali, pa še eden ...

Jana Pahovnik
Spol: Ženska
Sporočil: 29.405

Sijejo zvezdice na nebu ...

« Odgovor #67 : sreda, 17.10.2018 : 14:28:35 »

vir Barnabys Law

Na zgornjih slikah so v kletkah na srbski njivi 'skurjeni' tudi psi, ki so bili pod okriljem slovenskega živalovarstvenega društva. Več o tem najdete tukaj (javno dostopno na fb), za katero društvo gre, pa tukaj (javno dostopno na fb).

Povsem jasno je, da so eni glavnih krivcev za vso agonijo srbskih in bosanskih psov prav donatorji, ki s svojim denarjem že desetletje aktivno vzdržujejo ileglane pansione, ilegalno trgovino z živim pasjim blagom, pa tudi konkretno mučenje konkretnih psov.

Psi v tem 'pansionu', za katere je po navedbi slovenske aktivistke prihajal denar iz Slovenije, so bili živi skurjeni. Ne vem, kako lahko ob gledanju posledic svojega početja donatorji in uvozniki sploh mirno spijo, je pa dejstvo, da so v svoja dobra dela in krivdo vseh drugih sveto prepričani. Dokler bo en sam donator, bodo taki aktivisti delovali, razmere pa se ne bodo spremenile. Dokler bo pritekal denar, bodo aktivisti skrbeli, da bodo ulice polne psov, po možnosti v čim slabšem stanju, da ne bo legalnih in kontroliranih pasjih hotelov, azilov in lokalnih posvojiteljev, ker jim le-ti odžirajo kruh.

Pod originalno objavo na Barnabys Law - klik (javno dostopno na fb) lahko vidite še več slik iz 'pansionov'. Vsak komentar je odveč, prezir vseh izvajalcev in podpornikov takega početja pa nujen.

Jana Pahovnik
Spol: Ženska
Sporočil: 29.405

Sijejo zvezdice na nebu ...

« Odgovor #68 : petek, 19.10.2018 : 17:54:08 »

Pred dnevi sem od UVHVVR prejela obljubljene statistične podatke o številu uvoženih psov. Po pričakovanjih ne povedo veliko, podatek o komercialnih čipih, ki so neizsledljivi, pa še bolj zamegli že tako nejasne številke. Med podatki ni ničesar o inšpekcijskih postopkih v zvezi z nepopolno dokumentacijo. Manjkajo tudi podatki o najdenih in v zavetišča sprejetih psih s tujimi čipi. Pa podatki o iz tujine pripeljanih mladičih, ki jih na čipe v CRPsi že vpisanih psic uspejo 'lastniki' uradno registrirati kot pse, skotene v Sloveniji (take samice posamezniki celo po družabnih omrežjih iščejo). Psi, ki prihajajo iz Bosne in Srbije z romunsko, bolgarsko ali madžarsko dokumentacijo, so navedeni pod EU ... Lahko naštevamo v nedogled, pa ne bomo prišli do vseh možnosti, po katerih psov ni v uradnih UVHVVR evidencah uvoženih psov. Z vsakim primerom posebej se številke večajo neodvisno od tega, kaj pravijo ali ne pravijo uradne statistike, veterinarski inšpektorji, cariniki, dacarji in drugi uradniki.
Prilagam tudi številke KZS o vpisu rodovniških psov v Slovensko rodovno knjigo.

Celoten članek ... Statistike UVHVVR in KZS o uvozu psov - klik

Jana Pahovnik
Spol: Ženska
Sporočil: 29.405

Sijejo zvezdice na nebu ...

« Odgovor #69 : sobota, 12.01.2019 : 22:36:38 »

vir klik

Jana Pahovnik
Spol: Ženska
Sporočil: 29.405

Sijejo zvezdice na nebu ...

« Odgovor #70 : nedelja, 03.02.2019 : 10:05:15 »

V UK sta za pasjo kugo, ki so jo iz Srbije preko Romunije prinesli prešvercani psi, v začasnem domu poginila dva lastniška psa.
Slovenski 'uvozniki' zatrjujejo, da ni nevarnosti za 'uvoz' bolnih psov v Slovenijo. Če verjamemo v Smrkce ...
Preberite in razmislite sami.

Barnaby and Bluebell (fb)
/.../ "Lets rewind to November the 10th. Dee was a dachshund owner with 4 little wire haired daxies and she occasionally fostered for rescues. On the 10th, she had 3 Serbian dogs and 1 kitten arrive on transport from Romania. 2 of the dogs and the kitten came from Sandra Zecevic on New Life Pet transport and the 3rd dog came in from the UK charity Broken Biscuits (Charity number 1176733) with Europet. Broken biscuits claim their dog, Wanda, was Romanian however, you can see Wanda with her Serbian rescuer in the screenshot and the chat with the rescuer who had not been informed that Wanda had distemper or that she had been moved back to Romania. You will also see that she states Wanda was only with her then Tanya in another Serbian town before travelling to the UK. Now look at the Romanian RECS for Wanda, it suggests she was in Romania in October, either way, the FAVN screenshot shows that no titer test was ever registered in Serbia against her chip. So Wanda was a Serbian dog who entered without a titer and the requisite CVED and health cert. She was then provided with a Falsified Romanian passport and illegally put on TRACES by a shelter in Ineu, I believe a UK transporter is involved with this shelter so hopefully the question of why a Serbian dog was brought in on falsified Romanian documents can be clarified? Sandra's dogs were the same except they came on TRACES raised by Marinela.

Within a week of arrival, one of Sandra's dogs had moved to it's adopters, leaving Dee with her 4 dogs, 1 of Sandra's and the Broken Biscuits dog. By the 13th of December, one of Dee's dachshunds had died from distemper and another had started exhibiting symptoms. Despite this, Broken Biscuits sent another dog, Rio, supposedly from Bulgaria to Dee's house on the 15th on December.

By Xmas day, all of the dogs were infected with distemper, this was the suspected diagnosis though it wasn't confirmed until early January when tests came back positive. During this time Dee was left to cope alone, pressure was put on her by Broken Biscuits and Sandra to keep quite and she was told all of her dogs would be seized if she posted about the distemper.

For 9 weeks Dee struggled to look after her own three remaining dogs and the 3 rescues, who were all disabled. There was no financial support from either Sandra nor Broken Biscuits and Dee has had to sell her car to pay off some of the vets bill. Broken Biscuits promised to recompense Dee for some of the vet bills on the 6th of January but to date, only a token payment for fostering Rio and the distemper tests has been paid. Broken Biscuits did buy and bring in Canglob to administer to the dogs but this is illegal as it isn't a licensed treatment here so Dee's vet would not administer it, not that it would have been of use at that stage as a Romanian vet has confirmed it is only potentially useful in the very early stages and not later nor with a relapse. Those of us who have seen the video of little Momo can only imagine the mental torment Dee has been through and losing one of our beloved dogs is heartbreaking but to lose two in such quick succession and in such horrendous circumstances is beyond comprehension. So again, anybody who dares post that Dee is doing this for anything other than her own sanity, to raise awareness and hopefully see action taken against those involved, you need to take a long hard look at just how low you will stoop to protect your 'friends'.

On the 24th of January, Dee's dog Otto eventually passed away and this was a catalyst for a series of events that saw two disabled dogs, shedding distemper, being taken 'illegally' back to Romania.

Broken Biscuits informed Dee on the 24th of January that they had an epiphany that perhaps it wasn't such a great idea for Dee to keep all of the dogs with the potential of reinfection, never mind that she might actually be struggling having lost two of her dogs! The charity informed her that they had rented a house and one of the people involved with the charity would stay there with Wanda and Rio until they stopped shedding the virus. Dee was assured they would be kept safe and looked after and that over £3,000 had been spent on preparing for the stay.
On Saturday the 26th, the dogs were collected in a van by Broken Biscuits and again, Dee was assured they were going to this 'safe location' and that she needn't worry about them.
The reality was, the dogs were taken to meet with a transporter, Ioana VIP who would take them back to Romania.

When this was discovered, Broken Biscuits were approached by several people, including Dee for confirmation of the dogs safety and their whereabouts. They claimed that the dogs hadn't been moved, they claimed they had received hundreds of messages about this and because it had became a 'circus' they could not trust Dee and wouldn't share any updates with her."

Celotna objava s posnetki je na

Jana Pahovnik
Spol: Ženska
Sporočil: 29.405

Sijejo zvezdice na nebu ...

« Odgovor #71 : četrtek, 14.02.2019 : 10:12:59 »

Mcfarlanova razkriva zgodbo o srbskih psih Wandi in Riu pred njunim izginotjem.
Preberite vse in preglejte vse posnetke! Da ne boste rekli, da niste vedeli ... kako poteka trgovina s psi. To ni reševanje psov, v kar vas nenehoma prepričujejo tudi slovenski aktivisti. To je trgovina z živim blagom.
Pot v pekel je tlakovana z dobrimi nameni. Razmislite, koliko s podporo aktivistom in švercanju psov v tej trgovini aktivno ali pasivno pomagate tudi vi sami.


Barnaby and Bluebell (fb)

Broken Biscuits - Where is Wanda and Rio?

Wanda has now been reported as stolen. Despite repeated attempts to confirm the whereabouts of Wanda, Broken Biscuits continue to ignore Dee and others requests for information. ❗️(screenshot 1a)

Dee is the legal owner of Wanda, as confirmed by her payment to Europet transport and her registration of Wanda on Petlog. ❗️(screenshot 3,4 &20)
Dee was informed that Broken Biscuits would take Wanda and Rio to a safe house in the UK and led to believe that she would be returned once all dogs were confirmed clear of distemper. The reality is, plans had already been made for the dogs to go to Romania, Broken Biscuits knew that Dee would never agree to this as she would NEVER allow the dogs to go through further stress on the journey back to Romania nor to be put back in a kennel having enjoyed the love of a human and the comfort of a home.

The statement released by Broken Biscuits was at best, an amazing marketing ploy and excellent example of damage limitation and at worst, smudged and full of lies, inconsistencies and unsubstantiated legal threats.

Further, the harassment, bullying and invasion into the lives of those questioning Broken Biscuits, by Cassie's supporters including a convicted con-woman and a supporter of illegal and criminal activity has been quite astounding and not what is expected from a UK registered charity!

It transpires that both Wanda and Rio originated from Serbia. Wanda's original rescuer was Dijana Lazic who in turn sent her to Tanja Janjic, this is confirmed by Dijana to have been the only two places Wanda stayed before coming to the UK. ❗️(screenshot 13,28 &27)
Cassie states on several occasions to Dee that Tanja's mum has been fostering Wanda and Rio and her name is Brana or as Mladen Miskovic confirms, her full name is Branislava and she is his mother-in-law. This has further been confirmed by a UK rescue who will provide confirmation to the relevant authorities. ❗️(screenshot 2, 4, 14 & 29)

Having confirmed the dogs left from Serbia, I checked for titer test results for either, there are none. As can be seen in Cassie's chat about payment and transport, Suzanne, from Bosnia, was driving Wanda to Arad in Romania where she would be put on the Europet Transport van to be brought to the UK. ❗️(screenshot 16 & 17)

Before addressing the issues with this, I want to go back to the 'foster'.
Tanja Janjic is the wife of a chap Mladen Miskovic (screenshot 14) Mladen is suspected of sending breed pups to the UK without the correct documentation. I had spoken previously with Mladen to enquire about an issue with dogs in his pension. He was accused of not feeding the dogs, not vaccinating the dogs, not ensuring they received the necessary veterinary treatment and one dog contracted Parvo virus whilst in his pension and sadly passed away. The UK rescue involved with these dogs immediately removed their dogs and tried to warn others about their concerns.
As well as the pension ran by Mladen and his wife Tanja, her mother Brana and sister Sanja also collect and foster dogs ❗️(screenshot 10 & 30). It must be a highly profitable business considering the extensive renovation works carried out at Sanja's home and the 'feasts' Sanja enjoyed (screenshot 8 at the very time Rio was with this 'family' and obviously wasn't being fed or receiving the necessary veterinary treatment as he arrived not only emaciated but with open, festering sores on his legs. ❗️(screenshot 12 & 2a)
The response from Suza and Cassie when Dee questions the state he arrived in perplexing to say the least!!!!! You didn't want to offend Tanja? So a dog arrives with infected sores and his spine and ribs are poking through his skin, Tanja and her mother are being paid 100 euro/month, the sister is renovating her house, enjoying 'feasts' and you don't want to ask why a dog has so obviously been underfed and not been provided with the required veterinary care.
A UK rescuer has claimed that she paid this family for her dogs to be vaccinated, neutered and to receive veterinary care, none of which was done. So tell me Broken Biscuits, how can you claim that all of you dogs are correctly vaccinated, cared for and come from disease free 'pensions and fosters' when you are using the very people that another UK rescue has removed all of her dogs from due to the evidenced incompetence and lack of care?

Returning to the transport of Wanda. Cassie asked, on the 6th of November, for Dee to make payment to Europet and explained how she would be taken to Romania on Thursday the 8th of November. This is indeed what happened as Suza from Happy Tails drove Luigi, a dog from Happy Tails Bosnia, collected Wanda in Serbia and met with Europet transport in Arad Romania. ❗️(screenshot 3a & 3b)
An important observation is the extract from the Romanian REC's, the official database where vets etc enter information based on a dogs chip.
For Wanda, it states she was in Romania on the 10th of October and exported from there on the 8th of November.
However, we know that isn't true because Cassie is telling Dee on the 6th of November how Suza will collect her from Tanja’s mums and drive her to Romania on the 8th of November. Also note the Echinococcous treatment apparently given on the 7th of November, signed and stamped by the vet in Romania but Wanda was in Serbia waiting to be collected!!! ❗️(screenshot 4a)

So in this case, not only are falsified Traces raised, a falsified passport provided by Dr P Sorina at Rainbow vets in Arad but they have also falsified the entry in the official database!
The ITAHC also gives the reason for import as breeding (90% less chance of a DEFRA visit) despite Wanda being disabled and neutered! ❗️(screenshots 21, 21a, 22, 24)

It's bad enough Broken Biscuits misinforming people of the dogs origins but to have friends attack so viciously those who dare question their decision to import dogs without proper preparations is both unprofessional and contrary to the Charities Act. As a charity, you should not engage in illegal activity and that includes importing and exporting dogs without the correct documentation, especially returning them to Romania with the help of Ioana Gheorghian VIP transport and without consent from the owner of Wanda.

Again, on behalf of Dee, I ask you to provide details of Wanda and Rio's whereabouts. At very least Wanda and confirm how and when she will be returned to Dee?
At no time have I made this personal and did not expect my family, dogs and indeed my entire life to be savaged for speaking the truth.

As a dachshund owner, I was asked if I could help Dee, who has lost two of hers dogs due to you or Sandra sending Serbian dogs, one of which was carrying distemper and that is exactly what I have done.

vir, kjer so tudi vsi posnetki, je


In še pojasnilo srbskih uradnikov, da se iz Srbije lahko psa za posvojitev (menjava lastnika) izvozi v EU (kamorkoli v EU, tudi v Slovenijo) samo s komercialnimi papirji, torej UVOZI v EU (ne pripelje s seboj na večni 'dopust').
Vse ostalo je nelegalno.


Ter zanimiva komentarja v eni od fb debat:

vir klik (fb)

Zapisano se sklada s postopki za posvojitev psa iz BIH, ki jih je inšpekcija navedla v odgovorih na moja vprašanja:
UVHVVR o uvozu psov iz BIH in Srbije - klik.

Jana Pahovnik
Spol: Ženska
Sporočil: 29.405

Sijejo zvezdice na nebu ...

« Odgovor #72 : nedelja, 11.08.2019 : 12:20:01 »

Najprej so za njiju leta dolgo delali mnogi Slovenci in slovenski živalovarstveniki. Za Dalido in Čakija. Prvi so v Bosno pošiljali denar. Veliko denarja. Drugi so v Slovenijo vlačili ulične pse. Veliko psov. Nekateri ju še kujejo v zvezde. In še 'sodelujejo'.
Potem so za njiju delali slovenski mediji. Več njih. Z 'napihljivimi zgodbami'. S 'pocukranimi' zgodbami. Z 'lažnimi' pravljicami. O Prači. O bosanskih uličnih psih. O neki krasni pravnici in nekem krasnem taksistu. Zdaj so tiho.

Malo Bosne:

Dalida Kozlić je zelo poznana med slovenskimi aktivisti, ki z njo so ali še sodelujejo, za širšo prepoznavnost v slovenski javnosti pa so poskrbeli novinarji - klik. Srečali smo jo že tudi v tej temi - klik. Očitno zaradi svojega početja postaja vedno večja 'zvezda' tudi širom po svetu, saj jo preganjajo donatorji tudi iz daljnih dežel. V Bosni pravijo o njej: "Dalida Kozlić, pravnica iz Breze koja se nerijetko zna predstaviti i kao advokatica, iako njezinog imena i prezimena nema među registriranim advokatima Advokatske komore FBiH." in "Ona je počela graditi sebe kao brend i tako je postala popularna među ljudima koji brinu o napuštenim životinjama ..."

Spomnimo, kaj in kdaj smo tukaj objavili:
- FČB, 27. 7. 2016
- DK in FČB, 22. 7. 2018
- DK, 18. 8. 2018

O trenutnem stanju pri Kozlićih piše

vir, 9. 8. 2019 - klik

Građani Breze: Lavež pasa nam budi djecu, a neprijatni mirisi i fekalije ugrožavaju zdravlje, 9. 8. 2019
"- Informisani smo o problemu držanjem većeg broja pasa u dvorištu porodične kuće Kozlić, u urbanom dijelu našeg grada, te se sa istim pravno borimo dugi niz godina. Odmah po donošenja prve Odluke o uslovima, držanju i načinu postupanja sa kućnim ljubimcima i nezbrinutim životinjama („Službeni glasnik Općine Breza“, broj 1/15), općinski sanitarno-komunalni inspektor pokrenuo je postupak inspekcijskog nadzora, gdje je imenovanom Kozliću naložio da broj pasa svede na maksimalno tri (3), shodno Odluci Općinskog vijeća Breza – rečeno nam je iz ove općine.

Međutim, naveli su da je ovaj predmet na kraju imao sudski epilog ..."

Celoten prispevek na Građani Breze: Lavež pasa nam budi djecu, a neprijatni mirisi i fekalije ugrožavaju zdravlje - klik

Nelegalen 'pansion'. Psi z ulice takole zaprti in omejeni. Smrad in lajež.
Zagovornike 'pansionov' in nameščanja psov v 1m2 velike kletke ter donatorje sprašujem, ali bi želeli živeti v tej ulici? S svojim denarjem ste pomagali (morda še pomagate) nekim psom in ljudem živeti v takih razmerah. Sploh lahko spite?
Vprašanji sta retorični in nanju nočem odgovorov.

vir youtube, Hayat Media BiH, objavljeno 14. 10. 2018

Hayat Media BiH, 14. 10. 2018
"Ekipa Vijesti u 7 posjetila je azil za napuštene pse u Prači. Azil je polovinom ove godine predat na upravljanje Veterinarskoj stanici Sarajevo od kada je tretman životinja koje su smještene u azilu pod ingerencijom ove veterinarske stanice. Kada su preuzeli azil, tvrde, bio je u veoma lošem stanju. Plan je da se u narednom periodu azil transformira u No kill azil u kojem će životinje imati adekvatnu, intenzivnu veterinrsku brigu, kažu iz Veterinarske stanice Sarajevo."

Celoten prispevek na youtube - POGLEDAJTE KAKVO JE STANJE U AZILU ZA NAPUŠTENE PSE U PRAČI (14 10 2018) - klik

Iz prispevka: "... sve životinje prolaze adekvatan veterinarski i zdravstveni tretman." (youtube, 1:35)

So decembra 2018 ali januarja 2019 psi brez veterinarske oskrbe iz Prače še kar prihajali k Čakiju? Pa že ...

vir - klik

vir - klik

Samo en vir Čakijevih financ:
Z zgornje slike -> €7,4k = 7,396 €, €6,6k = 6,623 €, €842 = 842 € v sedmih (7) urah. Junija in avgusta ista slika.
Je objavljanje istih slik način dela? Julija 2016 je za reševanje 'stotinu pasa iz Prače' objavil 12 slik istega kota, v katerem sta bila dva psa - klik.
Sicer pa za letos:
januar = €7,4k, februar = €5,7k, marec = €7,3k, april = €7,4k, maj = €10,2k, junij = €6,6k, julij = €7,9K; skupaj v sedmih mesecih = €52,5k = 52.500 €. V BIH.

Iz ene od fundrasing objav (za avgust 2019):


vir - klik

62 furry friends in "pension"? "Pension" v navednicah. Donacije to private individuals.
Nelegalen hotel. Kje je ta 'hotel' in kako v njem izgleda? Kako v njem živijo živali? Tako kot pri Kozlićih? Za povprečno 7.500 € na mesec?

... in potem se bomo vsak dan zbudili v pravljici. Verjetno pobruhani.

Jana Pahovnik
Spol: Ženska
Sporočil: 29.405

Sijejo zvezdice na nebu ...

« Odgovor #73 : ponedeljek, 23.09.2019 : 08:00:42 »

Pseća mafija sa Balkana – posao vredan milijarde

Pseća mafija sa Balkana – posao vredan milijarde - youtube - klik

DW Fokus

Pseća mafija sa Balkana. To je posao vredan milijarde. Profiti se mogu porediti s onima od trgovine drogom ili oružjem.  
Nemačko udruženje za zaštitu životinja procenjuje da većina pasa koji se ilegalno izvoze iz zemalja istočne Evrope i sa Balkana završava na nemačkom tržištu. Psi se kupuju jeftino, a onda se u Nemačkoj prodaju tri ili četiri puta skuplje. Izvoze se i psi lutalice. U svemu tome veliku ulogu igraju i korumpirani veterinari.

Pseća mafija sa Balkana – posao vredan milijarde - youtube - klik

Jana Pahovnik
Spol: Ženska
Sporočil: 29.405

Sijejo zvezdice na nebu ...

« Odgovor #74 : petek, 05.06.2020 : 11:54:49 »

Konec maja 2020 so v Bosni pri psu potrdili primer stekline.

Povezava do pdf dokumenta ...


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