Ja, sta Lana in vzrediteljica Urška Krivec pojasnili na FB, da tudi
GRIMMUS DU PAYS DES SONGES, last Bojana in Barbare Bučinel, predstavlja Slovenijo

Čestitke Lani, lastnikoma in vzrediteljici za tak uspeh!
Posnetek včerajšnjega dne (petek) in vse posamezne filmčke najdete na
KLIKTretji dan, sobota, 7. 3. 2015 - v živo - KLIKDanašnji program08.30 International Junior Handling Competition
10.30 Agility – Crufts Team – Small Semi Final (Agility)
11.30 Agility – International Invitation - Large – Jumping
12.05 Heelwork to Music – Freestyle International Competition
13.30 BREAK
14.00 Agility – International Invitation – Large (Agility)
14.30 Agility – Crufts Team - Small Final
15.05 RAF Display
15.30 Flyball Team Semi Finals
16.10 West Midlands Police Dog Display
16.30 Southern Golden Retriever Display Team
16.45 BREAK
17.10 Agility – International Invitation - Large – Agility Finals
17.40 Heelwork to Music – Freestyle International Winner
17.45 Flyball Team Final
18.05 International Junior Handling Competition – Final Judging
18.25 Obedience Winners 2015
18.45 Group Judging (Terrier) and Presentation
19.35 Group Judging (Hound) and Presentation
20.25 Programme Ends
Vsepovsod dodajte eno uro 
V Junior handlingu bomo navijali za našo Anjo Gorjanc