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nedelja, 20.10.2024 : 13:37:24

Prijava z uporabniškim imenom, geslom in dolžino seanse.
* Domov Pomoč zemljevid po mojpesForumu Prijava Registracija  |  o psih  |  pasme  |  Mešanci  |  Tema: Nik a.k.a. Čik, Frik, Bunka, Baraba, Niki, Cuki,... pa še marsikaj :)
Strani: 1 ... 30 31 32 33 34 [35] 36 37 38 39 40 ... 43   Dol
Avtor Tema: Nik a.k.a. Čik, Frik, Bunka, Baraba, Niki, Cuki,... pa še marsikaj :)  (Prebrano 102991 krat)
0 članov in 3 gostov pregleduje to temo.
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Spol: Ženska
Sporočil: 3.197

« Odgovor #510 : četrtek, 27.05.2010 : 14:44:45 »

Hvala! Smiley
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Spol: Ženska
Sporočil: 7.289

« Odgovor #511 : četrtek, 27.05.2010 : 15:11:17 »

Za Nikija  Kiss  pa šefico, ker vem kako je, ko se čaka na rezultate  Undecided 
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Spol: Ženska
Sporočil: 8.174

« Odgovor #512 : četrtek, 27.05.2010 : 17:09:09 »

Saj bo vse v redu, boš videla  Smiley Niki, tebi pa  Kiss vsi držimo pesti zate, da bodo dobri rezultati  Kiss
Spol: Ženska
Sporočil: 750

« Odgovor #513 : četrtek, 27.05.2010 : 18:29:22 »

Tudi mi držimo pesti in tačke, da bo vse ok.
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Spol: Ženska
Sporočil: 3.197

« Odgovor #514 : petek, 28.05.2010 : 09:05:27 »

Hvala Kiss

Sem odkrila en kviz, s katerim ugotoviš kateremu znanemu človeku je tvoj pes najbolj podoben Smiley Tko mal za foro. In Nik je Snoop Dogg Smiley

Snoop Dogg
Smooth & Cool

Swingin' hard and keeping it real in his 'hood, your little homey is Snoop Doggy Dogg, yo.

Bustin' out superfly vocals that keep his lady friends perched, ready and on the edge of their seats, Nik knows how to have a good time with his peeps and is not ashamed to show it. A big fan of the bling bling, Nik is fashion fit and costume conscious, even willing to go a little over the top at times. Rich like butter and phat with flavor when he rolls, Nik is well aware of the heads he turns along the way. Often seen hangin' with the big boys, Nik is one tough cookie and knows how to paw his way out of a confrontation. But despite his occasionally feisty flare, Nik is romantic and poetic, a true-blue Casanova through and through.

Če bi radi rešli kviz tudi vi, je tukaj link Wink
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Spol: Ženska
Sporočil: 8.174

« Odgovor #515 : petek, 28.05.2010 : 13:48:28 »

 Grin Snoop Dogg je Nik  Grin

Bučko je pa:

Wow, your dog is Simon Cowell!

Simon Cowell

Hard to Please

Enterprising, brassy and not afraid to bark what's on his mind, Bučko is Idol-maker Simon Cowell!  Grin

There's no beating around the bush with Bučko and flattery will get you nowhere. Bučko calls it like he sees it, and stands firm on all fours behind his decisions. The cat definitely does not have Bučko's tongue—some of his pals think he's bitter and confrontational, while others find him to be impawsibly hilarious. Bučko's influence on those around him is remarkable, and he takes advantage of this fact and uses it wisely. Behind his no-nonsense mask, Bučko is a perceptive sponge, taking in what he sees and hears around him, and then figuring out how to make it look, or sound, better.
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Spol: Ženska
Sporočil: 7.266

« Odgovor #516 : petek, 28.05.2010 : 13:59:25 »

Je pa tudi test za mačke - Mila is Oprah! 

When Mila meows, people listen. Yes, indeed, Mila  is Oprah Winfrey.

A true rags-to-riches story, Mila is a comeback pet who has not only survived a troubled start, but uses her success to lend a helping paw to others. Well-rounded and hard-working, Mila has re-written the rules of stardom and continues to spread her influence throughout the animal kingdom. Still a down-home country girl, Mila's one weakness is the chow that she knows from her youth, and she's not afraid to gobble up a little gravy every now and then. Mila manages to keep her positive reputation intact, despite being hounded by the press and her thousands of diehard fans everywhere she goes. Mila is smart, creative and innovative and has used these qualities to build up an empire the likes of which have never before been seen.

Celo ljubezen do klobas so uganili Jaz se vdam

Hvala za tale test, prav potrebovala sem nekaj takega danes  Afro
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Spol: Ženska
Sporočil: 3.197

« Odgovor #517 : petek, 28.05.2010 : 14:16:45 »

Hahaha, sem se narežala Grin Bučko=Simon in Mila=Oprah Grin Ja sej pa Nik Snoop.
Cats tudi jaz sem to danes rabila Smiley
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Spol: Ženska
Sporočil: 7.266

« Odgovor #518 : petek, 28.05.2010 : 14:17:30 »

Bo vse v redu, bo, boš videla Kiss
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Spol: Ženska
Sporočil: 3.197

« Odgovor #519 : petek, 28.05.2010 : 14:20:41 »

Hvala! Je pa poleg tega še šola-izpitno obdobje. Imam ravno danes en kolokvij pa se nisem mogla nič preveč učit Sad Tko da se zanašam na srečo in bodo na kolokviju stvari, ki sem si jih bolj zapomnila Smiley
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Spol: Ženska
Sporočil: 8.174

« Odgovor #520 : sobota, 29.05.2010 : 09:16:29 »

Kako je šlo na kolokviju ?  Smiley
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Spol: Ženska
Sporočil: 3.197

« Odgovor #521 : sobota, 29.05.2010 : 11:56:44 »

Še kar šlo, hvala! Smiley 1 teden dni moram zdaj čakat na rezultate kolokvija.
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Spol: Ženska
Sporočil: 3.197

« Odgovor #522 : sreda, 02.06.2010 : 15:19:04 »

Nik je bil na luštnem sprehodu s Sunnyday, Bitom in Jagodo Smiley
Jagoda ga je pripravila do igre Smiley

Bit je povodni pes Smiley

Pa še par fotk:

Lepa blondinka:

Vsi trije:

Sam da je voda Cheesy

Ham Grin

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Spol: Ženska
Sporočil: 8.174

« Odgovor #523 : sreda, 02.06.2010 : 15:29:42 »

Joj, srčkan je  Kiss pa tako zadovoljen zgleda, ves nasmejčkan  Kiss Kiss Kiss seveda, če pa je imel tako super družbo.  Wink Počohaj ga v mojem imenu  Smiley
živim tukaj
Spol: Ženska
Sporočil: 3.197

« Odgovor #524 : sreda, 02.06.2010 : 15:56:36 »

Hvala, je en tak pozer, fotič  ga ima rad Smiley Bom prečohala Wink
Strani: 1 ... 30 31 32 33 34 [35] 36 37 38 39 40 ... 43   Gor
Natisni  |  o psih  |  pasme  |  Mešanci  |  Tema: Nik a.k.a. Čik, Frik, Bunka, Baraba, Niki, Cuki,... pa še marsikaj :)
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