o psih pasme galerija forum zaščita živali posvojite psa

Dobrodošel/la, gost. Prosim prijavi ali registriraj se.
petek, 28.03.2025 : 05:19:15

Prijava z uporabniškim imenom, geslom in dolžino seanse.
* Domov Pomoč zemljevid po mojpesForumu Prijava Registracija  |  o psih  |  zdravje  |  Glava  |  Tema: OPTIGEN testi
Strani: [1]   Dol
Avtor Tema: OPTIGEN testi  (Prebrano 3087 krat)
0 članov in 1 gostov pregleduje to temo.
Spol: Ženska
Sporočil: 1.360

Seta del Oro: pametna lepota

« : ponedeljek, 12.11.2007 : 22:32:02 »

Če koga slučajno zanima

January 28, 2008 through February 08, 2008 - Winter Discount Days
During these "Discount Days", tests may be ordered with a code that will discount each order by 15%; if the request is entered through the website, it will be discounted an additional 5%. Samples, along with the completed, signed test request form must arrive at OptiGen or at one of our European agents before the end of the discount period. Please note that our turnaround time will be a little longer than usual following receipt of your discounted test request. (Tests will likely be completed within 2-3 weeks rather than our typical 1-2 week turnaround.) You may enter your request through our website with the code OGWIN8.
Breed: All Breeds
Location: Samples may be sent from any location
Contact: OptiGen, LLC


La vita e bella. Včasih si pes, včasih si kandelaber...
Strani: [1]   Gor
Natisni  |  o psih  |  zdravje  |  Glava  |  Tema: OPTIGEN testi
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